Hearing and Balance


You might be reading this article about tinnitus because a.) you are hearing some ringing or buzzing in your ears or b.) your family member might be experiencing the same. Let us help you understand tinnitus more and learn how to manage it.


First things first – what is tinnitus? It is a condition where a person may hear ringing, buzzing, thumping, hissing or any other similar sounds that doesn’t stem from an outside source.

The most COMMON cause of tinnitus is hearing loss BUT there are also other medications and health conditions that may trigger tinnitus. In most cases, tinnitus is not serious, BUT if it comes on SUDDENLY and TOO LOUD for comfort, medical attention should be sought.


In layman’s terms, tinnitus is referred to as phantom noise, mainly because this condition is hearing some sort of sounds that aren’t actually there. There are two types of tinnitus SUBJECTIVE AND OBJECTIVE.

Subjective tinnitus is when the person with the condition is the only one hearing the sound. This is commonly caused by ear problems.

Meanwhile, objective tinnitus can be actually heard or measured by an audiologist or hearing specialist. This is a RARE type of tinnitus and may be triggered by problems in the middle ear, heart, or blood vessels.


Tinnitus can make a big impact on one’s functioning abilities.
It is worth noting though, that just like any other medical condition, tinnitus may have a unique impact on each individual. However, below are some common experiences of individuals with tinnitus that MAY lead to COMPLICATIONS.


Tinnitus can bring fatigue with it, and we don’t just mean physical fatigue. Tinnitus may also bring about emotion and mental fatigue. Imagine if you are trying to drink your morning coffee or work on a very important business presentation, but you keep on hearing a buzzing, thumping or hissing sound. Annoying, right? If this happens regularly, it will really take a toil on your overall health and wellness.

Stress, Anxiety, and Irritability

Tinnitus is NOT for the faint of heart. Hearing phantom noises is far from having peace of mind, and this condition may take a toll on the brain as well. The daily hustle and bustle of daily life is already contributory to a person’s stress – add to that tinnitus and you end up with anxiety and irritability.

Memory Problems

Some people with tinnitus may find it difficult to sleep. Lack of sleep may cause concentration and memory problems, or worse, depression. This is why we at PA Center for Hearing and Balance always encourage our patients to seek medical help for tinnitus.


Treatment for tinnitus will depend on its type and severity. If hearing loss is manifested together with tinnitus, hearing aids or tinnitus therapy is the best path to choose. Keep in mind though, that hearing aids will not magically make tinnitus disappear, BUT it will certainly help a lot.

Learning to live with tinnitus is a process, and it needs the right mindset and conditioning. Support from family, friends and colleagues also play a big role in the success of tinnitus treatment. Of course, the expertise of an audiologist will also be a big determinant of tinnitus treatment. If you are looking for experts in dealing with tinnitus, our audiologists at PA Center for Hearing and Balance can help you.

Other tinnitus treatments include biofeedback, meditation, sound/noise conditioning, tinnitus programs, etc. Audiologists will lay out all the options and discuss with you on what’s the most comfortable treatment. Make sure to be as detailed as possible when your health history is being taken, including the medications (past and present) and past or existing health conditions.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also help with your tinnitus. Follow your doctor’s orders based on the diagnosis and try to avoid noted tinnitus triggers.

Just like any other medical condition, no single approach works for all. Your medical practitioner may decide to combine different techniques or a combination of techniques to find out what works best.

With age-related tinnitus PLUS hearing loss, can make tinnitus less noticeable by highlighting external sounds.

Take note that as of writing, there is no FDA-approved drug for tinnitus. While some natural alternatives for tinnitus are getting more popular – from gingko biloba to acupuncture, medical experts stand by their findings that there is still no drug, herb, or supplement to be more effective than a placebo.

If anything, the closest treatment for tinnitus can be found inside an audiologist’s clinic.


According to the U.S Center for Disease Control, more than 50 million Americans experience some form of tinnitus. Approximately 2 million suffer from extreme and debilitating tinnitus while 20 million have chronic tinnitus.

Sounds produced by tinnitus may vary in pitch from a low hum to a high squeal and a person suffering from this condition may hear it in either one or both ears. There are instances when tinnitus can be heard SO LOUD to the point that it can already affect one’s ability to function normally.

Additionally, tinnitus may either be constant or fleeting. Knowing the degree and type of tinnitus is essential so that you and your audiologist can come up with the most effective and convenient options.
Audiology is the branch of scientific research dealing with problems associated with hearing and balance. Audiologists are specialists that primarily offer healthcare for these disorders by conducting a wide variety of hearing tests to diagnose and treat a wide variety of hearing issues.. Audiologists diagnose and treat hearing problems and recommend the best hearing aids for a specific type of hearing loss. The expertise of audiologists is not limited to hearing problems; they can also handle earwax removal, vestibular testing and tinnitus management.
Audiology is the branch of scientific research dealing with problems associated with hearing and balance. Audiologists are specialists that primarily offer healthcare for these disorders by conducting a wide variety of hearing tests to diagnose and treat a wide variety of hearing issues.. Audiologists diagnose and treat hearing problems and recommend the best hearing aids for a specific type of hearing loss. The expertise of audiologists is not limited to hearing problems; they can also handle earwax removal, vestibular testing and tinnitus management.
Audiology is the branch of scientific research dealing with problems associated with hearing and balance. Audiologists are specialists that primarily offer healthcare for these disorders by conducting a wide variety of hearing tests to diagnose and treat a wide variety of hearing issues.. Audiologists diagnose and treat hearing problems and recommend the best hearing aids for a specific type of hearing loss. The expertise of audiologists is not limited to hearing problems; they can also handle earwax removal, vestibular testing and tinnitus management.
Hearing aids can help with some types of tinnitus.

Hear Better. Live Better.