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How To Block Smart Meter Radiation

How To Block Smart Meter Radiation
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By the year 2019, it was estimated that cities and utility companies had installed over 94.8 million smart meters nationwide. That number has continued to grow, owing to the convenience that smart meters provide. Unlike their analog counterparts, smart meters are read remotely, making them both cost-effective and a time saver.

Indeed, when you look at the benefits of smart meter usage, it’s easy to see why many communities have made the switch. It’s been said that every rose has its thorn, however, and smart meters are no exception to this rule. So what is the downside?

EMF radiation.

When a smart meter transmits data on your utility usage, it does so wirelessly, using radiofrequency waves. Likewise, when your utility company needs to communicate back to the device, it sends over another radiofrequency signal. These RF-EMF waves have been tied to glioma, male infertility, and a number of other health conditions.

In this guide, we are going to dive into how to block smart meter radiation from entering your home. To learn more about the basics of smart meter radiation and how to see if your utility meter is a smart meter, see Smart Meter Radiation: What You Should Know.

Testing smart meter radiation around the home

The first step in blocking smart meter radiation is to figure out what parts of your home and yard are affected. These devices are sending data remotely to workers driving by, so it stands to reason that their signal — and, subsequently, their reach– is quite strong. To measure just how strong, though, you will need an EMF meter that can detect RF-EMF radiation.

There are many such devices on the market. Our favorite is the TriField TF2, which we cover in much more depth in our detailed review. For more choices, see The Best EMF Meters For Any Budget.

To measure the radiation coming from your smart meter, it’s helpful to take two readings: one inside of your home, and one outside. When your smart meter sends out its signal, it doesn’t just do so in one direction. Rather, the signal is dispersed all around, which is why you want to check the levels both inside and outside of your home.

Outside, take your reading directly next to the meter. If your meter updates in real-time, as the TF2 does, you can slowly step back from the meter and note how the reading changes. If your meter is near any high-traffic outdoor areas, take special care to measure around these spots. While taking your measurements, be sure to record your results.

Inside of your home, find the interior wall that the smart meter connects to on the outside. Take your reading near that wall and note the levels as you move away from it. Again you will want to record your results.

The one flaw to this method is that there are other potential sources of EMF radiation around, both inside and outside of your home. But this does give you a baseline for comparison.

After taking one or more of the steps covered below to protect yourself, repeat your readings. If the methods you took are effective, you will notice your EMF levels will drop.

Protecting yourself: how to block smart meter radiation

There are a number of different things you can do to block smart meter radiation produced by the device.

Opt out

Perhaps the best option is to simply opt out of smart meter usage if that’s an option for you. Residents of New Hampshire and Vermont, for example, are legally allowed to decline the use of a smart meter on their property at no cost to them. In other areas, you are able to decline their usage but you must pay extra on your utility bill to cover the cost of manual readings.

It’s worth noting that not all areas allow you to opt out of smart meter usage. But it’s certainly worth contacting the relevant department within your community to see if yours does.

Smart meter covers

If opting out of a smart meter is not an option for you for whatever reason, you may want to consider purchasing a smart meter cover. These metal mesh shields fasten over your smart meter, creating a Faraday cage that blocks radiation from exiting while still allowing your smart meter’s signal to pass through.

There are many different options for covers on the market. Below, we break down two of the highest-rated ones.

EMF Essentials Smart Meter Cover

EMF Outfitters Smart Meter Cover. Installation of this cover is a breeze — simply slide it over the glass screen of your meter. If the cover is too loose, you can adjust the tightness using the built-in tightener screw. It’s that easy. After proper installation, this cover attenuates (or reduces) EMF radiation production by up to 98%. Made from conductive stainless steel, this cover is durable and weather-proof, as well. We should note, however, that this cover is for electricity meters specifically.

Smart Meter Guard EMF Shield Cover

Smart Meter Guard EMF Shield Cover. If you’re looking for a high-quality cover that is made in the USA and can even block a 5G signal, consider this one. Highly effective and capable of blocking out 98% of smart meter radiation, this cover is made to last up to 15 years. Each guard is custom built by a metal fabricator in California, as well, so while the price tag is a bit steeper on this one, it’s good to know that you’re receiving a handmade item. See the video below for more info on Smart Meter Guard’s cover.

How to block smart meter radiation with interior barriers

A smart meter cover may block some of the meter’s EMF radiation from entering your home on its own. If you’ve installed one and you’re still seeing high levels inside, however, you may want to consider using an interior barrier. There are many effective EMF shielding materials out there — everything from copper to nickel. Installing a barrier can be as simple as screwing a sheet of copper to your interior wall.

You can also use fabrics, such as JJ CARE’s Upgraded Faraday Fabric. Each sheet of this fabric is 44 inches by 39 inches, so you may need multiple sheets if you are trying to blanket an entire wall. Each fabric set comes with Faraday tape that can be used to connect multiple sheets, as well. This fabric is particularly effective against RF-EMF radiation, making it ideal for blocking the waves coming from your smart meter. Simply hang the fabric on your wall and watch your EMF exposure drop.

EMF paint

If you don’t like the idea of a fabric or metal barrier, EMF paint may sit better with you. To use EMF paint in your home, coat the interior wall closest to the meter with a layer or two of EMF shielding paint. We recommend YShield’s EMF paint, which is available in a five-liter bucket. This paint can block 99.987% of EMF radiation with just a single layer.

After you coat the entire wall with paint, you will need to call upon a licensed electrician to ground the paint. This is done using a grounding unit, which is sold separately. Once the paint has been grounded, it should be effective at blocking EMF radiation. If you don’t like the black color, you can easily cover it up using another silicone-based paint.

Rearranging furniture

Depending on the interior wall your smart meter connects to, it may be wise to rearrange the furniture in your home. Usually, it’s advisable to avoid putting a high-traffic area such as a bed or your living room couch directly against that wall. Sometimes it’s unavoidable — and in those cases, interior barriers and a smart meter cover can help significantly. But if you are able to, shift things away from that interior wall.

What about the neighbors?

You may have done everything right, but if you live in a densely packed city, there is one other thing to consider. Sure, you’ve taken care of the smart meter radiation coming from your meter — but what about the radiation from your neighbors’?

There is a good chance that if you have neighbors living in close proximity to you, the radiation from their smart meter is reaching your house, as well. In that event, your best bet is simply to communicate. Knock on your neighbor’s door and explain the situation: you are concerned about the radiation coming from their smart meter. If they are interested, you could always share resources with them regarding smart meter radiation. And, if they are receptive, you could even ask if they would be open to installing a smart meter cover.

Of course, the actions of others are out of our control. Your neighbors could always say no and at that point, there may not be much you can do. But it’s certainly worth opening the lines of communication — you’ll never know unless you ask.

Final thoughts

Smart meters are a modern convenience, but they are far from perfect. The amount of EMF radiation produced by these devices is substantial. To protect yourself, consider following the tips above to help block smart meter radiation from entering your home.

Adam Short

What started out as an intention to protect my family from the dangers of EMF radiation has turned into a mission to share my research with as many people as possible. Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves protected. Knowledge is power!

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