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Top 10 Anti Radiation Herbs and Supplements for EMF Protection

Anti Radiation Supplements
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If you’re a visitor to this website, you are probably interested in reducing your exposure to EMF radiation. And there is plenty that you can do — ditch Bluetooth, switch to wired internet, use incandescent light bulbs, install dirty electricity filters, the list goes on. But if you’ve already done all you can to your home and are still searching for ways to combat EMF-related illness, it may be time to look inward. Are there any dietary changes you can make to reduce the impact of EMF radiation on your body?

Top anti radiation herbs and supplements

It turns out, there are. Herbs and supplements are one way to reduce your risk of suffering from EMF radiation-related illnesses. If you’ve already made the recommended lifestyle modifications and are searching for more you can do, consider adding a protective supplement to your diet or adding in foods with certain nutrients. And for those who are just beginning to take action against EMF radiation in their lives, supplements are a great place to start.

You can’t always control your exposure to EMF radiation, but you can take charge of your health with these anti radiation herbs and supplements.

10. Ginseng


Ginseng comes from the root of plants in the Panax family. Used in alternative and homeopathic medicine for years, ginseng has been studied and found to have numerous health benefits, including anti-cancer and neuroprotective properties. It has also been shown to be potentially radioprotective. This means that the regular ingestion of ginseng could help prevent damage from DNA exposure. This is especially helpful for those undergoing chemotherapy, and it is often prescribed for cancer patients in countries across the globe.

While ginseng has not been studied with regards to EMF radiation, its radioprotective abilities are difficult to ignore. It is possible that taking ginseng supplements could help reduce the harmful effects of EMF radiation on the body. In addition to taking a supplement, you can also take the root of ginseng and make a tea out of it, or steam the root and eat it whole.

9. Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba, a tree that is sometimes referred to as the Maidenhair tree, is native to China. It was often used in ancient Chinese medicine to help unblock energy to vital organs and stimulate blood flow throughout the body. In modern times, Ginkgo is used to soothe headaches, help with breathing issues, fight depression and anxiety, and even protect the brain from the aging process. Ginkgo biloba also has antioxidant properties.

It turns out, Ginkgo may also protect against EMF radiation — particularly from cell phones, something we tend to have glued to the hip. In one study, rats were exposed to RF-EMF for a number of hours each day. Some of the rats were treated with Ginkgo Biloba, and some were not. The rats that were treated with Ginkgo had noticeably less damage done to their brain tissue than the rats that were exposed without treatment.

Ginkgo is available in supplement form. It can also be found as a tincture, and sometimes it is made into a tea. The tree itself is not actually edible, and its seeds are poisonous. If you’re adding Gingko to your diet, a pill may be your best bet.

8. Turkey Tail

Turkey Tail

Mushrooms are notoriously healthy, and the turkey tail mushroom is no exception. This superfood is known for its immune-boosting abilities, something that, in theory, could protect against the effects of EMF radiation. The increased immune system response may help decrease the risk of cancer, which is a potential side effect of EMF radiation exposure.

While research hasn’t been done on the anti radiation effects of turkey tail supplements specifically, it has been studied for its cancer-fighting properties. The polysaccharides in turkey tail may inhibit colon cancer growth, and shrink tumors. Turkey tail may also increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy when taken alongside treatment.

If you don’t like mushrooms, don’t worry. You can still enjoy the health benefits of turkey tail. In fact, this mushroom is typically ingested in supplement or tincture form, or sometimes made into a tea — rarely, if ever, is it eaten.

7. Spirulina


Another superfood, spirulina is a form of blue-green algae that is safe — and healthy — to consume. Spirulina is nutrient-dense, with just one tablespoon of this powdered supplement containing 11% of the recommended daily intake of iron and four grams of protein. The nutrition information alone is justification enough to add spirulina to your diet.

In addition to its nutritional breakdown, spirulina can lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels while raising the HDL (good) levels, lower your blood pressure, alleviate the symptoms of allergies, and, of course, it helps fight against cancer. Spirulina also has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties that may help reduce the damage done to the body by EMF radiation. This is another one that hasn’t been studied extensively for EMF radiation specifically, but it could be worth trying, particularly if you’re looking for any of the other health benefits.

You can add powdered spirulina to a glass of water or other beverage and drink it. You can also mix it in with yogurt or a smoothie, which may help mask the taste a bit.

6. Selenium


Selenium is a mineral that helps the body do a number of things. It aids in thyroid function, protects the brain and heart, and guards against a number of cancers. Our bodies actually require selenium just as we do iron, magnesium, and other minerals. While you can take selenium as a supplement, it’s ideal to get this mineral from your diet. Some high-selenium foods to seek out include oysters, Brazil nuts, eggs, Shiitake mushrooms, and chicken breasts. The method of preparation matters, as well. Microwaves, for example, zap food of vital nutrients. The body processes selenium most effectively in food form (versus supplement,) so only go the supplement route if absolutely necessary.

Selenium is a powerful ally against EMF radiation because of its cancer-fighting abilities, like many of the other supplements on this list. Research has also shown that it is protective against the 2.4GHz frequency in particular, with selenium helping to prevent oxidative stress to cells.

5. Melatonin


If you’re looking for a good night’s rest, melatonin can be an answer to your prayers. While it is created naturally by the body, exposure to EMF radiation and blue light hues from your cell phone or TV can inhibit melatonin production. This can be particularly problematic at night because melatonin helps regulate our natural sleep cycles. If your body isn’t producing enough, you may begin to suffer from insomnia and trouble staying asleep. Studies have shown that this lack of melatonin may also have long-term health repercussions. It’s possible that one reason EMF radiation can cause cancer is because of its impact on melatonin production.

Melatonin supplements can be taken in pill or powder form. If you decide to try melatonin, start with a small dosage and work your way up. It’s also worth noting that you’ll want to take your melatonin before bed, as it will likely make you drowsy. Dreams can be a little more vivid with melatonin, as well.

4. Glutathione


For those who haven’t heard of it before, glutathione is a water-soluble antioxidant that is sold in supplement and tincture form. Glutathione is naturally occurring in the cells of plants and animals, and it helps protect against damage to cells from free radicals and heavy metals. This means glutathione may help protect against the damaging effects of EMF radiation.

Other health benefits of glutathione include reducing insulin resistance, helping control symptoms of psoriasis, protecting against fatty liver disease, and regulating the immune response in those with autoimmune conditions.

In addition to taking a supplement, you may want to get your glutathione from whey protein — especially if you’re a frequent exerciser. Or, if you would prefer a more natural form, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, avocadoes, and melons are all high in glutathione. You will get the most bang for your buck by eating the fruits or veggies raw, as well. Glutathione is another substance that your body requires for optimal performance. Signs of deficiency include anemia, infection, and cognitive side effects.

3. Turmeric


Curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, is a power anti radiation herb that can be taken in supplement form. It has been studied and shown to decrease the inflammatory response brought on by exposure to EMF radiation. These results indicate that regular consumption of turmeric could help reduce the impact of EMF radiation on the body. You can consume turmeric naturally through food — it is often found in Indian dishes such as curry — although you can easily add turmeric powder to anything. You need between 500 and 1,000 mg of curcumin daily, which translates to roughly between two and a half and five teaspoons of ground turmeric. If you have trouble getting this much in your diet, you can try taking a supplement.

Other health benefits of turmeric include lowering blood pressure, boosting heart health, fighting inflammation, protecting against dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, and protecting against cancer. Too much may cause stomach upset in certain individuals, but for the most part there is very little risk involved in adding some turmeric to your diet.

2. Vitamin C

Vitamin C

You have probably heard that Vitamin C can ward off the common cold. Did you know, however, that it may also protect you from EMF radiation from your WiFi router?

One study found that in male rats exposed to 2.45GHz frequencies, Vitamin C helped protect against EMF-related changes to liver enzymes and metabolism. If you’re concerned about WiFi radiation, it may be time to reach for an orange. If you’re not a fan of citrus, Vitamin C is also found in many other fruits and veggies, including broccoli, bell peppers, strawberries, and potatoes. It tends to be present in most multivitamins, as well, and it’s available as a standalone supplement, as well.

In addition to EMF protection, you should consider taking Vitamin C because of its immune-boosting abilities. It’s also important for regular body function, as it helps you process other nutrients.

1. Reishi


No list of superfoods is complete without the Reishi mushroom. Known for its wide variety of health benefits, Reishi can guard against cognitive decline, prevent cancer, shrink the size of existing tumors, boost your immune system, and fight depression. There’s almost nothing this mushroom can’t do.

So it comes as no surprise that Reishi may also be a may also protect you from the harmful effects of EMF radiation. Studies show that Reishi repairs cells that have been exposed to radiation. In fact, it’s been approved for several decades in Japan as an adjunct to standard radiation treatment. Studies suggest that it allows the radiation to reach cancer cells, but NOT normal cells. The ramifications of this are huge for anyone serious about EMF protection.

While you can technically eat the mushroom, it’s not exactly known for its pleasant taste, and you may experience some stomach upset. Instead, consider taking a high-quality Reishi supplement or brewing a tea.


While the herbs and supplements on this list may help protect you from EMF radiation, they may also interfere with medications or health conditions. Reishi, turkey tail, ginseng, and the other items on our list are generally regarded as safe, but everyone’s health varies. Do your research and seek expert advice when deciding to embark on any herbal regimen.

Parting Words

When it comes to EMF radiation, anything you can do to minimize the impact on your health is huge. With the introduction of 5G towers, widespread WiFi and WiMAX signals, and the dominance of cell phones in our daily lives, it can often feel as if our exposure — and our health — is completely beyond our control. Hopefully, this list has shown you that this is not the case — there are plenty of things you can do to protect your health.

When you can’t control your outside exposure to EMF radiation, it’s time to take the battle inwards. Simple dietary changes and supplements like the ones listed above may reduce your risk of suffering from EMF-related illnesses such as cancer. Although more research is needed to determine conclusively which nutrients are radioprotective, the items on this list are all a promising place to start. Top 10 Anti Radiation Herbs and Supplements for EMF Protection

Adam Short

What started out as an intention to protect my family from the dangers of EMF radiation has turned into a mission to share my research with as many people as possible. Despite the ever-increasing threat of EMF, there are many ways to keep ourselves protected. Knowledge is power!

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